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Pandas Schema Validation

Overview of the available tools and methods for schema validation in pandas, examplary code snippets and recommendation for when to use given tool.

Pandas is a widely used library for data manipulation and analysis in Python. To ensure the data is in the correct format and conforms to certain constraints, schema validation is crucial. This process can be useful in various situations such as when importing data from external sources or before performing further analysis or machine learning tasks.

There are several tools and methods available for schema validation in pandas such as pandas_schema, great_expectations, pandera and data-enforce. pandas_schema and great_expectations are widely used libraries for pandas data validation. pandera and data-enforce are also popular libraries for pandas data validation.

In this article, we will overview the available tools and methods for schema validation in pandas and provide example code snippets and links to further resources. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each tool and provide recommendations for when to use them.

Overview of Available Tools and Methods

The tools and methods discussed below accompanying exemplary code snippets. You can use the following contents of a data.csv that comply with the schema used in this article:


This file contains a dataframe with 8 columns: name, age, gender, col1, col2, col3, col4 and col5.

  • name and gender are of type object
  • age is of type int
  • col1,col2 are of type int and float respectively
  • col3 is of type object
  • col4 is of type boolean
  • col5 is of type datetime

This file can be used in the examples above to perform data validation using different libraries and methods.

Here is an example of the contents of a data2.csv file that does not comply with the schema used in the article:


This file contains a dataframe with 8 columns: name, age, gender, col1, col2, col3, col4 and col5.

  • The age of David is 170 which is out of range of the schema defined in the article which is range(0, 150)
  • This file will not comply with the schema defined in the article and will raise an error when trying to validate it using the code provided in the article
  • This file can be used to demonstrate the validation process and how it will raise errors for invalid data.

Built-in Attributes

Pandas provides built-in attributes such as .dtypes and .shape that can be used to check the data types and dimensions of a DataFrame. Here's an example of using these attributes to check that a DataFrame has the expected number of rows and columns, and that the columns have the expected data types:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

# Check that the DataFrame has the expected number of rows and columns
assert df.shape == (100, 5)

# Check that the columns have the expected data types
assert df.dtypes == {"col1": int, "col2": float, "col3": object, "col4": bool, "col5": datetime}

Pandas Schema

pandas_schema is a library that allows you to specify constraints on a DataFrame and then validate that the DataFrame conforms to those constraints. Here's an example of using the pandas_schema library to define a schema for a DataFrame and then validate that the DataFrame conforms to the schema:

from pandas_schema import Column, Schema
from pandas_schema.validation import LeadingWhitespaceValidation, TrailingWhitespaceValidation, IsDtypeValidation, InListValidation

schema = Schema([
    Column('name', [LeadingWhitespaceValidation(), TrailingWhitespaceValidation()]),
    Column('age', [IsDtypeValidation(int), InListValidation(range(0, 150))]),
    Column('gender', [InListValidation(['male', 'female'])])

errors = schema.validate(df)

Great Expectations

Great Expectations is a library that allows you to define and validate schemas using a more human-readable syntax. Here's an example of using the great_expectations library to define a schema for a DataFrame and then validate that the DataFrame conforms to the schema:

import great_expectations as ge

df = ge.read_csv("data.csv")

# Define the schema
schema = {
    "columns": {
        "col1": {"expect_type": "int"},
        "col2": {"expect_type": "float"},
        "col3": {"expect_type": "string"},
        "col4": {"expect_type": "bool"},
        "col5": {"expect_type": "datetime"}

# Validate the DataFrame against the schema
validation_result = df.expect(schema)

# Check for any validation errors
if validation_result.success:
    print("Data validation successful")
    print("Validation errors:", validation_result.result)


pandera is a library that allows you to define and validate schemas using a more human-readable syntax and more functionality. Here's an example of using the pandera library to define a schema for a DataFrame and then validate that the DataFrame conforms to the schema:

import pandera as pa

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

# Define the schema
schema = pa.DataFrameSchema({
    "col1": pa.Column(pa.Int),
    "col2": pa.Column(pa.Float),
    "col3": pa.Column(pa.String),
    "col4": pa.Column(pa.Boolean),
    "col5": pa.Column(pa.Datetime)

# Validate the DataFrame against the schema


data-enforce is a library that allows you to define and validate schemas using a more human-readable syntax and more functionality. Here's an example of using the data-enforce library to define a schema for a DataFrame and then validate that the DataFrame conforms to the schema:

import data_enforce as de

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

# Define the schema
schema = {
    "col1": de.Integer(),
    "col2": de.Float(),
    "col3": de.String(),
    "col4": de.Boolean(),
    "col5": de.Datetime()

# Validate the DataFrame against the schema
de.enforce(df, schema)

Comparison and Discussion

Each of these tools has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific use case.

The built-in attributes such as .dtypes and .shape may be sufficient for simple validation tasks, but they lack advanced functionality such as custom validation logic and integration with other data pipeline tools.

pandas_schema and great_expectations libraries offer more advanced functionality such as custom validation logic and integration with other data pipeline tools, and they have a more human-readable syntax. pandera and data-enforce libraries also offer more advanced functionality than the built-in attributes and they have a more human-readable syntax.

The choice of tool will depend on the complexity of the schema and the specific requirements of the project. If the schema is simple and you only need to check data types and dimensions, the built-in attributes may be sufficient. However, if you need more advanced functionality such as custom validation logic or integration with other data pipeline tools, pandas_schema, great_expectations, pandera or data-enforce libraries are better choices.

Overall, it is recommended to use great_expectations for more complex projects, as it has more functionality and a more human-readable syntax. However, if you're looking for a more lightweight solution pandas_schema, pandera and data-enforce are also good options.

Any comments or suggestions? Let me know.

To cite this article:

    author  = {Krystian Safjan},
    title   = {Pandas Schema Validation},
    journal = {Krystian's Safjan Blog},
    year    = {2021},