2024-08-30    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

How to Remove Diacritics and Sanitize Strings in Python

When working with international text data, you often need to convert characters with diacritical marks (like accents, umlauts, or other language-specific symbols) to their basic Latin equivalents. This process, known as diacritic removal or string sanitization, can be crucial for tasks such as:

  • Improving search functionality
  • Normalizing data for analysis
  • Ensuring compatibility with systems that only support ASCII characters

In this guide, we'll show you how to easily sanitize strings in Python using the unidecode library.

Step 1: Install the unidecode Library

First, you need to install the unidecode library. Open your terminal or command prompt and run:

pip install unidecode

Step 2: Import the Library

In your Python script, import the unidecode module:

import unidecode

Step 3: Create a Sanitization Function

Define a function that will sanitize your strings:

def sanitize_string(text):
    return unidecode.unidecode(text)

This function takes a string as input and returns the sanitized version.

Step 4: Use the Function

Now you can use this function to sanitize any string. Here's an example with various languages:

# Example usage
examples = [
    "Łódź",  # Polish
    "España",  # Spanish
    "München",  # German
    "François",  # French
    "Νίκος",  # Greek
    "Россия"  # Russian

for example in examples:
    sanitized = sanitize_string(example)
    print(f"Original: {example}")
    print(f"Sanitized: {sanitized}")

Step 5: Run the Script

When you run this script, you'll see output like this:

Original: Łó
Sanitized: Lodz

Original: España
Sanitized: Espana

Original: München
Sanitized: Munchen

Original: François
Sanitized: Francois

Original: Νίκος
Sanitized: Nikos

Original: Россия
Sanitized: Rossiia

Alternative Libraries

While unidecode is comprehensive, you might also explore alternatives like unicodedata from the Python standard library for more control over the process.