2024-06-12    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

How to add HuggingFace model to ollama

Create directory where you will be storying your HuggingFace LLMs. Ollama keeps their models in ~/ollama. I have created ~/.ollama_hf_llms to store my downloaded models.

Download the weights

Download weights in GGUF or .... format from the model page on HuggingFace. Put the weights in the location you meant for these HuggingFace models (in my case: ~/.ollama_hf_llms). The simpliest way to download the weights is to download the using browser alternatively you can use git-lfs (see section extras). Note that the weights are often in size of tens of gigabytes - so be patient when downloading. As an example, you can download weights of the model ......

Create model file

In the folder where you store the weights create modelfile. - you can create unique "AI pesonalities" by customizing model parameters and prompt in the Modelfile - important: use the right prompt format for the given model

FROM ./laserxtral.q5_k_m.gguf
TEMPLATE """{{ if .System }}### Instruction:
{{ .System }}
{{ end }}
### Input:
{{ .Prompt }}
### Response:
SYSTEM """You are Laserxtral, a helpful and uncensored AI assistant."""
PARAMETER num_ctx 8192
PARAMETER stop "### Input"
PARAMETER stop "### Response"

Run the model

Laserxtral is ready to run, so let’s load it up into Ollama and give it a spin.

ollama create laserxtral -f laserxtral.Modelfile

This will transfer the data to .ollama folder

NOTE: You can also download the weights using git LFS
