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Common Types of Data Science Projects

Learn about common types of data science projects and best practices for approaching them. From end-to-end individual work to production-ready projects, this guide covers it all.


Data science is a rapidly growing field that encompasses a wide range of activities and applications. As a data scientist, you may find yourself working on a variety of different types of projects, each with their own unique challenges and requirements. In this article, we'll explore some of the most common types of data science projects and discuss best practices for approaching them.

1. End-to-end Individual Work

End-to-end Individual Work - graphics

End-to-end individual work is a type of data science project that is typically short-term and has low complexity. These projects may consist of a single Jupyter notebook and may be completed by a single person. Examples of end-to-end individual work include analyzing customer data for a retail store or building a simple machine learning model for personal use.

When working on an end-to-end individual project, it's important to keep the project organized and structured. A good way to do this is to use a template or a framework such as Cookiecutter Data Science, which provides a standardized directory structure and files for data science projects. Additionally, it is recommended to use version control tools such as Git to track changes in the project over time.

2. Collaborative Project

Collaborative Project - graphics

Collaborative projects are a type of data science project that involve multiple people working together to achieve a common goal. These projects may be of medium complexity and may involve multiple Jupyter notebooks. Examples of collaborative projects include predicting customer churn for a client or building a recommendation engine for a streaming service.

When working on a collaborative project, it's important to establish clear communication and collaboration practices. Git is a powerful version control system that allows multiple people to work on the same project at the same time. Additionally, it is important to extract some mature code into a python module that is imported into a notebook and take some effort to clean up and test the code. Tools such as pytest and flake8 can help to ensure that the code is of high quality.

3. Individual Work but Final Notebook Shares as Result

Individual Work but Final Notebook Shares as Result - graphics

Individual work but final notebook shares as result is a type of data science project that involves a single person working on a project, but the final results are shared with others. These projects may involve a single Jupyter notebook and may be completed by a single person. Examples of this type of project include an analysis on demand for a company's management team or a side-project/tutorial that is published on a blog.

When working on an individual work but final notebook shares as result project, it's important to keep the project organized and structured. A good way to do this is to use a template or a framework such as Cookiecutter Data Science, which provides a standardized directory structure and files for data science projects. Additionally, it is recommended to use version control tools such as Git to track changes in the project over time.

4. Production-Ready Projects

Production-Ready Projects - graphics

Production-ready projects are a type of data science project that involve developing a model or algorithm that will be deployed in a production environment. These projects may be of high complexity and may involve multiple Jupyter notebooks. Examples of production -ready projects include building a recommendation engine for a streaming service or developing a predictive model for financial forecasting.

When working on a production-ready project, it's important to consider the scalability and performance of the final model. Tools such as Docker and Kubernetes can be used to deploy the model in a production environment. Additionally, it is important to extract some mature code into a python module that is imported into a notebook and take some effort to clean up and test the code using tools such as pytest and flake8.

5. Research Projects

Research Projects - graphics

Research projects are a type of data science project that involve developing new algorithms or techniques in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. These projects may involve a lot of experimentation and iteration, and the final results would be shared in a research paper or conference presentation. Examples of research projects include developing a new reinforcement learning algorithm or exploring the use of generative models for natural language processing.

When working on a research project, it's important to keep detailed records of the experimentation process. Tools such as TensorBoard and MLflow can be used to track the progress of the project and visualize the results. Additionally, it is important to use version control tools such as Git to track changes in the project over time.


Data science projects can take many forms, each with its own unique challenges and requirements. By understanding the different types of projects and best practices for approaching them, data scientists can work more efficiently and effectively to deliver valuable insights and solutions.

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Credits: Graphics created with openjourney model

To cite this article:

    author  = {Krystian Safjan},
    title   = {Common Types of Data Science Projects},
    journal = {Krystian's Safjan Blog},
    year    = {2023},